St. Mark Board

St. Mark Board

Current Activities
  • Applied for and Submitted a grant for 2022 Canada Summer Jobs
  • Digitizing All Church Maintenance Manuals and Plans
  • Install a Gazebo/Tent in the Amphitheatre for our congregation to use for agapy & social gathering
  • Setup a corporation to manage Kitchen and Cafe  and commercial activities within Church
  • Analyze and research ways to re-enable Directed donations.
  • Youth Lounge
  • Analyze and Investigate the following building items:
  • # Location Items
    1 Church Roof leak
    2 Church Water leak in the south mechanical room
    3 Church Electrical Conduits Rusting
    4 Cathedral Main Doors
    5 Cathedral Basement Aluminium Doors
    6 Cathedral Chandelier Lights & Drywall Repairs
    7 Church Broken Steps in front of main entrance
    8 Cathedral Windows Imitation Stained Glass
    9 Cathedral Installation of Acoustic Wall Panels
    10 Cathedral Kitchen Commercial License
    11 Church Roof Air-Condition unit damaged sleepers
    12 Cathedral Large Electronic Outdoor Sign
    13 Cathedral Ongoing Chandelier Maintenance
    14 Cathedral Installation of Wall Sconces
    15 Cathedral Mailbox Relocation
    16 Cathedral Drop-off / Canopy Area
    17 Cathedral HVAC Repairs
    18 Cathedral Efficacy & Effectiveness of Roof Repairs
    19 Cathedral In-House Plant Engineer/Super intendant
    20 Church Drafty Windows
Future Activities
  • Parking Lot Rental
  • Coptic Festival Grant
  • Cathedral Rooms School Rental During the Week
  • Restructuring Rooms in Cathedral to create more available space for service
Completed Activities


  • GYM Floor recoat
  • Setup Congregation Vaccination QR Code Lamination Event


  • Solicited, tendered and selected a new cleaning company, WSIP for cleaning the Cathedral and Church
  • Setup Public Vaccination QR Code Lamination Event


Current Board Members